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Are Wood Folding Tables Made of Solid Wood?

Jack-o-LanternHappy Halloween everyone! I personally love Halloween. I love seeing the carved pumpkins, and the decorations everywhere. I love seeing the little ones in their cute costumes (my niece as a banana was adorable). I love seeing adult revelers out in the pop culture costumes, even if you can't swing a black cat without hitting a Miley Cyrus wannabe. And the Candy. Who doesn't love a holiday that involves miniature chocolates bars, Rockets Candy, and all those other wonderful Halloween treats. Well, except for those toffee candies in the orange and black packages that are as hard as a rock. Those are nasty. But all the other Halloween candy is a-ok. I also love the scares and the surprises. I love watching Youtube Videos with surprises and scares.

While surprises are a lot of fun at Halloween, you don't want any surprises when you're purchasing new wood tables for your facility. We had a customer, Jason*, who purchased a load of wood folding tables that weren't actually made of plywood. They were Medium-Density Fibreboard (MDF) with plywood laminated to it. The tables didn't stand a chance in a commercial environment filled with screaming children, what with all the running, and screaming, and stabbing. Jason told us about these tables when he inquired about getting some of our NES Wood Folding Tables for Camp Crystal Lake. We told him that our wood tables are plywood folding tables made of 11 ply, 3/4 inch plywood. Jason, however, wasn't convinced. He wanted to see what was inside. So we set-up a 48-inch NES Round Wood Folding Table, and turned on our camera.

As you can see from the video, there is no MDF in our tables. So the next time you're looking to buy wood folding tables, make sure you ask the salespeople if the table is plywood all the way through. If you're interested in getting some of our NES Wood Folding Tables for your facility, why not drop us a line.

*There may not have been a customer named Jason.