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How Much do Wedding Chair Covers cost in Canada?

Chair CoversWedding chair covers whether made of polyester, spandex or satin, are a great addition to any rental inventory. They’re inexpensive to rent out but quickly add up when your customer has 100 – 200 chairs to cover. They also can be a great upsell for you that will help protect your chair & cushion investment. After you’ve determined that wedding chair covers are your next purchase, the next question sure to be on your list is “how much do wedding chair covers cost in Canada?” We’ll answer that question for you in the article below so you are able to gain a better understanding of the budget you’ll need to purchase your wedding chair covers.

As there are three different materials that wedding chair covers are made of, we’ve broken the article down into cost of polyester wedding chair covers, cost of spandex wedding chair covers and cost of satin wedding chair covers.

Cost of polyester wedding chair covers in Canada

Generally the most basic look for wedding chair covers (and most easily decorated), the average cost of polyester wedding chair covers in Canada ranges from $3.49 – $4.95 not including taxes or shipping. The cost ranges due to the thickness of the fabric being used, the size of chair it can cover and the brand distributing the product.

Cost of spandex wedding chair covers in Canada

Spandex chair covers are wonderful for a clean, sleek look that a contemporary event demands. The average cost of spandex wedding chair covers in Canada ranges from $3.99 - $8.87 not including taxes and shipping. The cost ranges due to the amount of fabric needed, the thickness of the fabric being used and the brand distributing the product.

Cost of satin wedding chair covers in Canada

Satin wedding chair covers offer a luxury look and often include sash as well. The average cost of satin wedding chair covers in Canada ranges from $2.99 - $5.75 not including taxes and shipping. The cost again ranges due to the amount of fabric needed, the thickness of the fabric being used and the brand distributing the product.

Hopefully this post gives you an idea of the approximate costs to be associating to your new wedding chair cover budget.

If you’re interested in receiving a quote for our polyester or spandex wedding chair covers:


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